Lava Institutions Dashboard

The B2B solution for financial institutions to add liquidity to the Lava Borrowing Protocol to earn a secure interest by lending out their assets to borrowers.
Year: 2022
Role: Product Design / Branding
As Lava’s Mobile Wallet moved to engineering, I was tasked to design Lava’s B2B solution. This dashboard was only accessible to institutions or high-net worth individuals onboarded personally by Lava. These institutions would be using this dashboard to deposit assets to be loaned out for interest or to withdraw funds. I was the sole designer working on this dashboard using the design system and visual design from the Lava Mobile Wallet.
Main Features to Build
Only a handful of users would be accessing this dashboard. Those users would be financial and accounting employees of the liquidity providers onboarded by Lava personally. By using the dashboard they should be able to:
Deposit assets into the liquidity pool
Withdraw available assets from the liquidity pool
View active and past loan contracts
View the institutions active assets
View optimized statistics easily
Change the parameters of the loans
The Problem: To create an intuitive dashboard for institutions to easily perform the actions necessary for them to continue to add liquidity to the borrowing protocol.
Designing for Liquidity Providers
Understanding that the main motivation that institutions would sign up to provide liquidity / use this dashboard was for returns. It was important to make interest APY and the earnings of their liquidity easily accessible. There was designs to add analytic tools and graphs to fully visualize in-depth the earnings an institution was earning from, but speed was a priority therefore only essential features were prioritized.
Withdraw section screens
Settings for liquidity providers to set the terms of the loans they accept.
An analytics section design cut from version 1.
This product had a very fast timeline and with limited engineering bandwidth, only essentials were built in the version one of the release. I knew there was a lot sacrificed that could’ve catered more towards the user’s needs more. On the other hand, I was still content of the simplicity of the interface was making onboarding simpler. This product also gave me experience in making designs scalable. Making sure designs can grow with the upcoming features was a great challenge.
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